This book is written with a view to explain as far as possible the mind
This book is written with a view to explain as far as possible the mind
If one knows that there is “Ananada” which does not dwindle and lasts for ever,
Some who read this book have been able to know the facts stated therein may
Hypnotism is an art by which the man’s mind, its functions are studied and make
Many are under the wrong impression that a yogi, sanyasi, siddha or a divine man
Yoga institutions have come up like mushrooms in the country. Most of them advertise that
Pathanjali Yoga afforism say that – yoga is a method to stop mind’s ability to
A Lady who knows only Tamil is possessed by a spirit and she speaks in
Many have seen the same yogi present at the same time in many places. We
We saw earlier that the physical and subtler body (let us call the subtler body