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The Vision of Pranav Swasta Stanam (PSS) is to promote optimal wellness by providing holistic healthcare through alternative therapy and exercises for the body and mind.
The basic goal of Pranav Swasta Stanam (PSS) is to improve your general health and provide remedies for ailments for specific symptoms with no side effects.
PSS aims to create awareness among people about healthy lifestyle through ancient therapies (Alternative Therapies) and develop a sound mind and good health in them.
Pranav Swasta Stanam (PSS) intends to help and treat all clients to the best of its ability. We strive to bring together a unique, multi-disciplined approach in helping you find better balance in body and mind.
PSS wishes to offer you high quality care during and after your treatment. We assure you a good experience of tranquility, peace, calmness, sound mind, good health and overwhelming relaxation which aids in coping with your busy life that many of us lead nowadays.
PSS provides multi platforms (website/app/phrase) to reach out to the world and benefit those who may not be able to visit the healing centre in person, however, will benefit from the unique healing method that we offer.