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Distance Healing

Distance Energy Healing Center in Chennai, India

Healing as you know is a form of the ancient practice of sending cosmic energies to the client/patient to improve the mind, body, and spirit by using palms.

Any disease or ailment that affects the human body in turn affects the subtle energy flow, mind, and spirit. We at Getcured, treat the subtle energy and correct the flow of energy in the meridians, chakras, nadis, mind, and spirit.

In the process of healing, we remove the negative, blocked, and contaminated energy in the subtle body, which manifests as aliment in the physical body. We advise on diet & nutrition and exercise to keep yourself fit.

As mentioned above, Getcured is committed to healing in a stipulated time. Having extensive experience in both in-person and distance healing, we are specialists in this field which is done only by highly trained masters in today’s world.

According to the Spiritual and Alternative or Complementary therapies, humans have an Aura- the subtle energy that is inside & outside the physical body. The Aura consists of 4 layers- Pranic, Mind, Intellectual & Bliss. The services provided by Getcured work on the subtle energy layer which is the chakras, meridian & nadis of the human body.

Healing as you know is a form of the ancient practice of sending cosmic energies to the patient to improve mind, body, and spirit by using palms. Any disease or ailment that affects the human body in turn affects the subtle energy flow, mind, and spirit.

Our Getcured founder healer is trained by his Spiritual Masters and is qualified in advanced spiritual and healing practices.

Cure for Ailments

Any aliment mentioned below is for the understanding of the patient and to express their problem to the healer.

As a subtle energy healer, we are not going to treat physical symptoms. We are going to treat only the subtle energy field. Treating the subtle energy field means, Getcured focuses on the eradication of symptoms and root causes to support the individual and bring in a state of wholeness.

This is a complementary energy modality and should not be used as a replacement for medical needs. Always seek the advice of a medical professional for issues and challenges. Since everyone’s energy is different, the way energy is received, absorption, and retention varies. The results may vary from person to person and are also dependent on the person’s karma.



Distance Healing

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