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Mr. Gyanasundar – Bangalore

Mr. Gyanasundar – Bangalore

Thank you, Pranav Guruji, for organizing this 21-day program. I have noticed many changes in me and I have mentioned few of them here:

  1. I have lost almost 4 to 5 kg.
  2. I’ve been able to survive on 5 to 6 hours of sleep for the past two weeks, which was impossible before attending this program.
  3. I feel lighter and more energetic.
  4. I see a white light when focusing on the hidden point.
  5. I see a blue light while closing my eyes with rubbed hands.
  6. Last weekend, I played tennis for 6 hours, but it felt like just 2 hours in terms of physical exhaustion.
  7. My fellow participants have noticed the difference in me and are encouraging me within the group.

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